Capsule-Sized Device Permits Noninvasive Exploration Of Small Intestine
Clinical Research News | An international team of researchers has completed preliminary testing of a swallowable device for collecting samples from people under standard, day-to-day conditions to better understand what is happening inside their small intestine. The lengthy organ has up to how been inaccessible unless individuals first fasted and were sedated.
Jun 8, 2023
Predicting Knee Osteoarthritis Progression: Proteomics, Biomarkers, and the Future of Treatment
Clinical Research News | What if you could predict the progression of knee osteoarthritis through a simple blood test? That’s the vision of Dr. Virginia Byers Kraus, a professor at Duke University School of Medicine. Knee osteoarthritis (OA) affects 60 million adults in the US and projected to increase to 78 million by 2040, yet we don’t currently have very sensitive tools for diagnosis or disease-modifying drugs or treatments.
Jun 6, 2023
Diversity—And Science—Could Benefit From 90-Year-Old Research Approach
Clinical Research News | After embracing a research approach long used in the public health field, neuroscience investigators at the University of California, Riverside, (UCR) made some surprising discoveries about the Latino community—including the cultural realities driving conduct problems in preadolescent girls.
Jun 1, 2023