Profacgen Updated Its CLIP-Seq Service for RNA-Protein Interaction Study

Scientists who do research in the post-translational regulatory networks, now have access to Profacgen’s newest irCLIP-Seq technology that utilizes infrared fluorescent dye, which took the place of traditional radioactive materials in the labeling step, enabling a broader application area.


Post-transcriptional regulation contributes to the ability of cells to modify gene expression in the face of changing external or internal environments. RNA binding proteins (RBPs) are key players in the post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression.


CLIP (cross-linked immunoprecipitation) is a method used to analyze RNA interactions with proteins or to localize precise RNA modifications. This technique is performed by immunoprecipitation with antibodies against the target protein after UV cross-linking of the RNA-protein complex. CLIP-Seq, also known as HITS-CLIP, combines CLIP with high-throughput sequencing for the identification of binding sites on RBPs. CLIP-Seq can be used to map RNA binding of interacting proteins or RNA modification sites on a genome-wide scale, which helps to facilitate the understanding of post-transcriptional regulatory networks and mechanisms.


Supported by extensive experience and capabilities, Profacgen provides CLIP-Seq service to facilitate its customers’ research. The company has introduced thermostable group II intro reverse transcriptase for cDNA synthesis, which improves the experimental efficiency and leads to a more simplified technical procedure. Scientists at Profacgen are capable of helping design, develop, optimize and troubleshoot for all stages regarding its customer’s CLIP project with highest flexiblilty and efficiency.


Moreover, Profacgen provides RIP-Seq service for isolating and identifying mRNA and noncoding RNAs associated with RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) in vivo.


“Significantly, based on the customer requirements, we can also provide personalized testing services on protein-nucleic acid interactions, like CLIP-seq, CHIP, ChIRP-seq services, to further provide strong support for studying the complex regulation mechanism of gene expression.” Commeted Crystal, the official speaker from Profacgen.


If you would like to know more information about the CLIP-Seq Service at Profacgen, please visit


About Profacgen

Profacgen provides process development and cGMP manufacturing services for biological active ingredients. We have ready access to state-of-the-art biopharmaceutical product development and manufacturing facilities and our staff scientists have demonstrable expertise in all aspects of biopharmaceutical manufacturing, from facility design and operation to the ability to provide best advice relating to product development.